Participation and identity with equity


For AMMID it is essential to recuperate the participation of indigenous people and their cultural identity as a mechanism to enforce their collective rights. However, this participation must occur under conditions that favor both gender and generational equity of those who make up the Maya Mam people in Comitancillo, based on the principles of complementarity and duality. Therefore, strategies are promoted for the recuperation, assessment, and promotion of the Maya Mam identity, the strengthening of organization and community leadership, as well as articulation in order to enforce and defend collective rights with local, regional and national actors.

Gender and generational equity is understood as the deliberate action to compensate and progressively reduce the disparities between men and women, and between young people and adults. In conditions of disadvantage in which women and young people find themselves in all spheres, gender and generational equity allows progress towards equality of conditions and opportunities.

For AMMID, in addition to generating economic changes in favor of women and young people, it is necessary to transform the relations of oppression, discrimination, and exclusion to which they are subjected. Therefore, in all actions and levels of institutional work, the transformation towards equitable power relations between men and women without distinction of age is promoted.

Program objective:

Strengthen civil participation and Maya Mam cultural identity in order to exercise their collective rights with gender and generational equity.

To achieve this, we promote the following strategic actions:

  • Reclaim the Maya Mam culture and identity.
  • Strengthen the capacities of community and municipal decision-making structures.
  • Strengthen women's capacities for active participation in community and municipal decision-making structures, based on the principle of complementarity and duality.
  • Strengthen entrepreneurship initiatives and youth organizational capacities to generate advocacy processes with local governments.
  • Promote access to education for children and youth through: mobile learning laboratories, scholarships, construction of infrastructure and school equipment.

Participation and identity with equity